Monday, March 25, 2013

Lost for Words

Nothing to blog about because there is nothing going on in our life. Last week was spring break and for a mom of a two year old that only means one thing... way too many people at our favorite hangout spots. it was to cold for the zoo and the museums were packed with kids out of school. The gym had more people than normal and the mall play spot was over run with tall kids. spring break is not as fun as I remember it being before kids.

On the topic of baby number 2 well there isn't one. We have been going at it for over a year and nothing has changed. I had my first meltdown because of infertility and it sucked. I said some mean words and took things to heart that I wouldn't have this time last year. I have hit rock bottom and we are going to be taking a break until we get back from California in may. I wish I could get it out of my head and not have to look at baby things and be around pregnant women all the time.

Well that is it for now. Sage is up from nap and that means mommas break is over.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

that was a fast few weeks

Who knew that it would go so fast. Nothing new in the molloy household. Sage has been doing dance class for a month now and it is going so good. She loves going to class and is starting to learn and follow what the teacher is doing. I have been working out consistently this month and loving it. Herbalife is great and I am in love with their products and cant wait to try more of them when we start selling it. Maybe one day I will post a before and after picture so every one can see how well it works. its defiantly not a quick fix but it sure has given me more energy.

My faith is truly being tested with our infertility issues. I have given it up to god and we are no longer taking medicine to make me ovulate. I am testing and looking for signs of ovulation but that is it. I know that when we are meant to have a baby again god will give us one. i know that i am blessed to have a great daughter and I love her more every day. Having her has made me a better person and made James and I closer than ever. I don't think we will ever not be tying to have a baby and when I get pregnant I will cherish that time and not take it for granted. I will always be praying for more children because I love being a mom and wouldn't change it for the world. I hope that by me blogging about our struggles with having a second child that it will help or inspire others to be more aware of secondary infertility.

Today i'll leave you with this. " The best thing a girl can be is a good wife and mother. It is a girls highest calling, I hope I am ready." - Nancy E. Turner

Saturday, February 16, 2013

hello blogging world

Wow has time flown by while I didnt blog. I really do need to get more into it and make a commitment to blog at least once a week not once a month or more. It has been to long and not much is new in our world. We havent moved or even started to look for a house yet and no im not pregnant yet. We took a trip to visit my family in califorina and that was a blast. we took sage to disney for the first time and she just loved it. We also went to the skirl ball again and sage loved it even more this year. As far as infertility and ttc baby #2 my RE retired after last cycle and that sucked because we didnt get to do the iui because I was ovulating on my own. So my mom got me the clear blue fertility monitor and I'm using it for the first time this month. We want to try naturally for a little while and see what happens. I want to have a baby so bad but I am learning to enjoy my time with sage and know that it will happen when its gods time. I dont have much more to update on so i'll end this with posting so pictures from our trip and just our daily life.






Tuesday, December 11, 2012

iui canceled

james and i were going to do an iui this month and i was getting excited. i go in to have the follies checked and i had 4 folicals this month so were back to the drawing board and cutting the does of clomid in half again. next month i will be taking 1/4 of a tablet per day and hope for only 2 folicals so we can do our iui.

i cant wait for christmas in a few weeks and then not long after that i will be going to califorina to see my family. nothing new other than no iui this month

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Baby number 2 update... Well Im not pregnant this month. Depending on what the doctor says we might take a break till we get back from visiting my parents in jan. I was a little heart broken when I knew I wasnt pregnant but i know i have a great kid and feel blessed everyday that I get to play with her.

Today is thanksgiving and we spent the day watching the macys thanksgiving parade and then had dinner with the family. It was good as always. nothing new here in out home but ill be sure to update after we know more.

Monday, November 12, 2012

infertility up date

So we are near the end of our first cycle with medication. So here is an update on what has happened, I went in on cycle day 14 to get an ultrasound to see if the clomid worked. and well it worked too well, I had between 3-7 follies that could drop so the doctor wanted to skip this cycle. I was to take a med that would make them not grow any more and to not have sex till after friday. Well after seeing how much this med would cost us we decided not to take it and to take our chances with the possibility of mutipules. While on clomid the only really sydafects I had was hot flashes and pain in my hips/ovaries. I am now on cycle day 21 and have no more pain and no pregnancy symptoms as of yet witch is normal and I dont expect any until next week if I am pregnant.

 We chose to go against the doctor because I wanted to get every chance at becoming pregnant. I am putting full faith in god and if I do get pregnant and its more than one we will be thrilled and scared at the same time. I know that god will provide for us and we will love them more that any thing. What people dont understand is that we have been working to hard for over a year to become pregnant that we cant see skipping a month just because of maybe getting more than one. We run that risk every month that we take a med to help me ovulate even with just one or two follies that could drop. I hope for the best with this cycle but I know its in gods timing and it will happen one day.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

up date on baby number 2

So here is an up date on trying for baby number 2. still not pregnant :( we have been working on it for over a year and this will be our first medicated cycle. i will be taking clomid and getting a trigger shot and having timed intercorse. i have high hopes because we got pregnant with sage so quickly but i know not to get my hopes up.  sage is now two and is so smart. i amazes me how much she talks and how much she learns every day. james is now working for cox selling home security and he is loving it. my photography is growing and im still having fun doing it. i love staying home with sage and i know it is part of the reason she is so happy. we have talked about putting her in a moms day out but im am a little scared because of her peanut allergy. i know that they will be carful but she cant tell you if she feels funny and if she gets a hold of something with out them seeing it could kill her. other than that every thing is great and ill try to update more. Here is an updated photo of the molloy family
family picture picking out pumpkins

first hair cut

second birthday party